Supporting the Culture
and our Small Businesses

African Restaurant Week is an opportunity to help boost the local economy, come together to celebrate the food, people and culture of the African Diaspora and support the various local restaurants, chefs, caterers, cafes and various small businesses in our community.
– People visit your restaurant and ask for a restaurant week menu or special discount.
– They will show a restaurant week ticket/flyer/passport to be eligible.
- We promote your restaurant to a local and national audience.
- Special events at the restaurant including our food tour.
- Extensive social media promotion.
- Content curation – interview with chefs, restaurant owner and more
- Invitation to various events including our food festival.
– Provide a special menu or a general discount for restaurant-goers during the week.
– Fill out a short form here
- How do I sign up? See short form here
- Who will get in touch with us after signing up? We will get in touch with you within 24 hours of signing up
- What does it cost to participate? It is free!
- What to expect during African Restaurant Week? Your community, and people from all walks of life supporting local business.
- Is there a fixed menu price? No, each restaurant sets it’s own price.
- Must we do both lunch and dinner? No, you can choose to do both or choose to do only lunch or dinner.
Restaurants interested in participating in African Restaurant Week may register online. After completion of the online registration form, an event manager will contact you to confirm your restaurant’s participation.